Wayne Long, Jr. (Carroll & Harford)
Black History Month Leadership & Service Honoree Wayne Long, Jr. enriched and broadened student life as the National Pan-Hellenic President and the Chapter Secretary of the Omega Psi Phi College Chapter.
The Omega Psi Phi Chapter created a community for African-American fraternity brothers to translate their highest ideals and ambitions into collective action. Long’s leadership engaged chapter members, as well as the student population to create voter registration initiatives, tutoring and academic mentoring support, and a mental health awareness panel.
Their service and volunteerism also extended beyond the campus and into the greater community, with chapter members and students supporting the Eastside Family Shelter in Rosedale and a highway clean-up of Route 715.
His exceptional leadership is especially influential as the first and only African-American fraternity to be established.
Want to learn more about the voter registration initiative? Check out this Baltimore Sun article.
Want to learn more about Omega Psi Phi and how it influences diversity? Read this Odyssey article.
Honoree Wayne Long Jr. and the Omega Psi Phi College Chapter Members clean up Route 715 by adopting-a-highway.
Honoree Wayne Long Jr. and Omega Psi Phi College Chapter Members serve food at Eastside Family Shelter.
Honoree Wayne Long Jr. and the Omega Psi Phi College Chapter Members serve food and clean up East Side Family Shelter in Rosedale.