Our 2023-2024 AmeriCorps State Grantees
Maryland AmeriCorps programs are currently recruiting for these positions. To learn more about other AmeriCorps opportunities, learn how to join AmeriCorps.
Each year, AmeriCorps invests federal funding to support AmeriCorps members at nonprofits and local government agencies across the country.
Grants were awarded to:
A STAR! In Western Maryland – Frostburg State University
Location: Allegany, Washington, Garrett, and Frederick Counties
A STAR! in Western Maryland is based at Frostburg State University and engages first-year college students and members of the community as AmeriCorps members. AmeriCorps members serving with A STAR! engage disadvantaged K-12 youth through educational activities, provide service opportunities for veterans, and provide outreach services to low-income, homeless, and underserved individuals in the four westernmost counties in Maryland. AmeriCorps members also engage volunteers in support of these activities.
City Teaching Alliance Location: Baltimore City
AmeriCorps Members serving with Urban Teachers help to improve educational and life outcomes of children in Baltimore City schools by preparing culturally competent, effective career teachers who accelerate student achievement and disrupt systems of racial and socioeconomic inequity.
The Choice Program
Location: Baltimore City and Baltimore, Howard, Montgomery, and Prince George’s Counties
The Choice Program is based at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. AmeriCorps members serving with The Choice Program provide community-based mentoring and intensive advocacy services to youth and families. AmeriCorps members aim to improve academic engagement, job readiness, and employment outcomes, and help to keep youth with their families instead of being placed in foster care. Members also recruit volunteers to engage in activities, events, and resource development for youth and families.
The Community Art Collaborative – Maryland Institute College of Art
Location: Baltimore City
The Community Art Collaborative (CAC) is based at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) and matches talented community artists with nonprofits, schools, and community centers for a year-long residency. In these residencies, AmeriCorps members primarily facilitate after-school arts-based learning experiences at their host site organizations for K-12 youth in Baltimore City. Members also have the opportunity to facilitate art-making opportunities for community residents, recruit and manage volunteers, develop special projects, and gain valuable professional experience in the community arts and non-profit fields.
Equity Now
Location: Lanham
Equity Now provides full-day education services to students at Legends Charter School in Lanham, Maryland. At the end of the first program year, the AmeriCorps members will be responsible for providing whole class support to 800 students and targeted English or Math tutoring and social, emotional development support to ~225 students of which, at least 115 students will improve English and math and will report increased school engagement.
HabiCorps – Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake
Location: Baltimore City
Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake AmeriCorps members serve in the HabiCorps Program comprised of on-the-job construction traineeships building and rehabilitating homes for economically disadvantaged individuals in Baltimore City and raising funds across the Central Maryland region to support affordable home construction. AmeriCorps members also engage volunteers in support of these activities.
Maryland Conservation Corps – Department of Natural Resources
Location: State-wide
Maryland Conservation Corps is based in the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. AmeriCorps members engage in environmental restoration and park improvement projects, environmental programming, and disaster preparedness outreach in Maryland’s state parks, including Patapsco Valley, Gunpowder Falls, Susquehanna, Deep Creek Lake, Tuckahoe, Assateague, and Merkle Wildlife Sanctuary. AmeriCorps members also engage volunteers in the park, public land, waterway, and trail improvement projects.
Maryland New Americans Opportunity Program – CASA de Maryland
Location: Baltimore City and Baltimore, Montgomery, and Prince George’s Counties
AmeriCorps members serving with Maryland New Americans Opportunity Program provide programming in financial education, citizenship support, legal support, and youth education. AmeriCorps members help economically disadvantaged Marylanders, including low-income immigrants and Latinos, gain financial literacy, achieve citizenship, and, in the case of youth, achieve improved educational outcomes and college and career readiness. AmeriCorps members also engage volunteers in support of these activities.
Maryland Reading Corps – The Literacy Lab
Location: Baltimore City
AmeriCorps members serving with Maryland Reading Corps provide low-income pre-Kindergarten children with daily, targeted early literacy intervention in pre-K classrooms in Baltimore City. AmeriCorps members increase the school readiness of pre-K students and engage volunteers in activities to promote children’s literacy.
Maryland Refugee Corps – The International Rescue Committee
Location: Baltimore City, Baltimore, Prince George’s, and Montgomery Counties
AmeriCorps members serving with Maryland Refugee Corps will undertake job training and job placement services for refugees and asylees. They will also leverage volunteers to support clients who are enrolled in employment programs to find and be placed in jobs.
Project CHANGE – George B. Thomas Sr. Learning Academy, Inc.
Location: Montgomery County
Project CHANGE (Collaboratively Helping America’s New Generations Emerge) AmeriCorps members improve student academic engagement including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) instruction by conducting school and after-school programs of study, and homework support, and personal development with economically-disadvantaged K-12 students in Montgomery County.
Road Map AmeriCorps – Latin American Youth Center
Location: Prince George’s County
Road Map AmeriCorps members help to improve the academic achievement of students attending Buck Lodge Middle School and William Wirt Middle School in Langley Park and Riverdale, Maryland. AmeriCorps members provide academic services to 6th through 8th-grade students in in-school, after-school, and summer programs. AmeriCorps members also engage volunteers in community service projects.
ShoreCorps – Salisbury State University
Location: Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties
ShoreCorps is based at Salisbury University. ShoreCorps AmeriCorps members increase the capacity of local agencies serving youth and aging adults on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. AmeriCorps members build capacity at agencies through volunteer management, and volunteers, in turn, provide direct services to area youth and aging adults.
Service Corps – Civic Works, Inc.
Location: Baltimore City, Baltimore County
AmeriCorps members serving with Service Corps make public land improvements, complete energy efficiency retrofits, tutor and mentor students, and help older adults age in place in Baltimore City. AmeriCorps members also engage volunteers in support of these activities.
Teach For America Maryland Location: Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Prince George’s County
AmeriCorps members serving with Teach For America Maryland teach for two years in low-income and disadvantaged schools in Baltimore City and Baltimore and Prince George’s counties, going above and beyond traditional expectations to help their students achieve at high levels. AmeriCorps members increase the academic achievement of students and engage volunteers to support students in schools and classrooms.